Privacy policy

Privacybeleid Hoet Optiek

This page was last updated on 19-09-2018.
We are aware that you place your trust in us. We therefore see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy.
Here you can read what (customer) data we collect, why we collect it and how we use it to improve your user experience. So you know exactly how we work.

This privacy policy applies to data collected by Hoet Optiek.

Our data:

Hoet Optiek Brugge
Vlamingstraat 19
8000 Brugge
+32 (0)50 33 50 02

What data do we collect?

Below you will find an overview of the personal data collected at Hoet Optiek.

  • We collect your personal data for various communication purposes, but only in a personal relationship with you.
    Your details will not be provided to third parties. Our communication with you includes, among other things: conducting correspondence (both online and offline), concluding contracts, sending offers and/or handling job applications.
  • We may combine the information we have collected from you with information obtained from other sources. This allows us to improve the overall accuracy and completeness of the information and allows us to better and more relevantly tailor our contact with you, both on and offline.
  • We may also collect information from you related to the use of our online channels such as our website, our Facebook page and other online platforms through various techniques including cookies placed on your computer. (See further under ‘Cookies’)

What will your data be used for?

Below is an overview of reasons for Hoet Optiek to use your data.

  • Your data may be used for responding to your enquiries, either by ourselves or by external parties involved in handling your enquiry.
  • Your data may be used to contact you for a customer satisfaction survey or market research.
  • Your information may be used to enable us to provide the services you request from us (e.g. contacting you to ask additional questions).
  • Your data may be used by Hoet Optiek for marketing purposes, if you have given your consent.
  • Your data may be used and analysed in relation to your interaction on our website. This with the aim of optimising navigation and user-friendliness.

How long will your data be kept?

Your personal data will be kept for as long as necessary. When there is no longer any interaction between Hoet Optiek and you as a user, the data will be automatically deleted after 48 months.

The right to be forgotten

As a user, you have the right to view the personal data we retain about you at any time and you can always request to be forgotten.
This means that Hoet Optiek must remove all personal data if this is requested by the user. Hoet Optiek has one month to do so.

As an end user, you can withdraw your permission to retain data at any time.

Your options

When we collect your data, you can let us know that you do not want it to be used for further marketing contacts.

You can also disable the use of cookies in your browser.

Data leaks

Hoet Optiek must report all data breaches to the Personal Data Authority within 72 hours. As a user, you will be notified of any data breaches known to us.

Data transmission to third parties

Your personal information will not be shared with third parties. However, your data may be shared internally to follow up your file, your contract or to send information to you if you have given your consent.

The employees of Hoet Optiek are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data at all times.


Customise/unsubscribe newsletter service

At the bottom of each mailing you will find the option to edit your details or to unsubscribe. There will also be an option provided on our website to unsubscribe from newsletters at any time.


We use cookies on our website.

The use of cookies is a technique to simplify website use. Cookies are small text files that a website can store on a visitor’s computer. Information about the visit to the website is stored in these files.

  • Necessary cookies: these cookies are essential for visiting our website and using certain parts of it. These cookies allow you to navigate between different parts of the website, or to fill in forms. If you reject these cookies, certain parts of the website will not be accessible or will not be optimal.
  • Functional cookies: functional cookies are those that make the functioning of our website easier and more pleasant, and ensure that you have a more personalised browsing experience. For example, they are the cookies that remember your language preference, as well as the cookie that keeps track of whether you have already been asked to subscribe to a newsletter so that you are not presented with the same requests over and over again.
  • Performance cookies: the purpose of these cookies is to collect information on how visitors use our website, such as the number of pages visited, the number of error messages displayed, etc., with the aim of analysing and optimising the use of the website.

You can manage cookies by adjusting your browser settings. You can choose to block all cookies or only accept cookies from certain websites. Blocking cookies may affect browsing comfort and make your browsing experience less smooth.

Questions and feedback

We regularly check our compliance with this privacy policy. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us at +32 (0)50 33 50 02 or via
